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Hello, I'm Rania and I'm here today to introduce you to the main reason behind the failure of all these young people, which primarily stems from the prevailing economic system in Algeria, namely the mixed economy system And it can be defined as combines both capitalism and socialism to solve basic Indeed, this system helped us to revive our economy after the destruction caused by
Colonization, but now it is impacted in various ways.It combines the elements of both market and command economies, leading to
challenges such as inefficiencies, bureaucratic hurdles and a lack of innovation.Additionally, the reliance on oil and gas revenues has made the economy vulnerable to fluctuations in global energy prices, hindering diversification.Efforts and sustainable development.And now I've presented my perspective.What
?About yours

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Hello, I'm Rania and I'm here today to introduce you to the main reason behind the failure of all these young people, which primarily stems from the prevailing economic system in Algeria, namely the mixed economy system And it can be defined as combines both capitalism and socialism to solve basic Indeed, this system helped us to revive our economy after the destruction caused by
Colonization, but now it is impacted in various ways.It combines the elements of both market and command economies, leading to
challenges such as inefficiencies, bureaucratic hurdles and a lack of innovation.Additionally, the reliance on oil and gas revenues has made the economy vulnerable to fluctuations in global energy prices, hindering diversification.
Efforts and sustainable development.
Moreover, the state's heavily involved in sectors such as energy and finance has
Crowded or private investment and hindered
entrepreneurship.Overall, these factors contribute to economic stagnation and hindering
.the full potential of Algeria's youth Since we are looking for a bright future for our youth, I suggest what is known as Capitalism or Capitalist Economy it described an economic system in which wealth (or capital) was owned by individuals for their personal profit.It is based on the doctrine of laisez faire which would mean the state
Interference in economic activity should be kept down to the minimum.witches opens up great prospects for our country Encouragement of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Increased Investment Opportunities or Individuals own most amongst the government involvement in the economy.And Supply and demand determine prices.
And now I've presented my perspective.What
?About yours

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