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This security setting determines whether the OS audits each time this computer validates an account's credentials.Default values on Client editions:
Credential Validation: No Auditing Kerberos Service Ticket Operations: No Auditing Other Account Logon Events: No Auditing Kerberos Authentication Service: No Auditing
Default values on Server editions:
Credential Validation: Success Kerberos Service Ticket Operations: Success Other Account Logon Events: No Auditing Kerberos Authentication Service: SuccessCredential validation is stateless so there is no corresponding logoff event for account logon events.
This security setting determines whether the OS audits each time this computer validates an account’s credentials.
Account logon events are generated whenever a computer validates the credentials of an account for which it is authoritative. Domain members and non-domain-joined machines are authoritative for their local accounts; domain controllers are all authoritative for accounts in the domain. Credential validation may be in support of a local logon, or, in the case of an Active Directory domain account on a domain controller, may be in support of a logon to another computer. Credential validation is stateless so there is no corresponding logoff event for account logon events.
If this policy setting is defined, the administrator can specify whether to audit only successes, only failures, both successes and failures, or to not audit these events at all (i.e. neither successes nor failures).
Default values on Client editions:
Credential Validation: No Auditing
Kerberos Service Ticket Operations: No Auditing
Other Account Logon Events: No Auditing
Kerberos Authentication Service: No Auditing
Default values on Server editions:
Credential Validation: Success
Kerberos Service Ticket Operations: Success
Other Account Logon Events: No Auditing
Kerberos Authentication Service: Success
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