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Senna is a small shrub of the family leguminosae or Fabacea.Senna was used as a potent cathartic or laxative.Several scientists and researchers conclude that senna has this property because of the apparent existence of elements and compounds such as glycosides of dianthrone (1.5 to 2%), Main A and B nennosides, small quantities of C and D sennosides, and other closely related amalgams.It is traditionally cultivated in semi-arid zones of the Tirunelvelli, Ramnathapuram and Madurai coastal zones in Tamil Nadu on 10 000 hectares.Although the first variety of senna is found in Egypt and Sudan along the Nile, the second variety is widespread in South and East Indians.Dried leaflets belonging to the Cassia species are the senna leaves used for the medicines.

Original text

Senna is a small shrub of the family leguminosae or Fabacea. Additionally senna belongs to two Cassia-C genera. Senna, also referred to as Alexandrian Senna, and C. Angustifolia, known also as Senna Tinnevelly. Although the first variety of senna is found in Egypt and Sudan along the Nile, the second variety is widespread in South and East Indians. It is traditionally cultivated in semi-arid zones of the Tirunelvelli, Ramnathapuram and Madurai coastal zones in Tamil Nadu on 10 000 hectares. Though a successful culture in many parts of the West has been demonstrated
India, whose commercial culture recently began in Rajasthan Division Cutch (Gujarat) and Jodhpur. During the rainy season, it can grow on sand dunes and can be grown for 2-3 years over many years. C. Senna is imported from Egypt and marketed as Alexandrian senna. Senna is essentially a small shrub native to North Africa and grows in abundance throughout the country. The shrub usually grows to three feet in height and has light green stalks. The plant possesses very delicate grey-green leaves.
Dried leaflets belonging to the Cassia species are the senna leaves used for the medicines. Senna was used as a potent cathartic or laxative. Several scientists and researchers conclude that senna has this property because of the apparent existence of elements and compounds such as glycosides of dianthrone (1.5 to 2%), Main A and B nennosides, small quantities of C and D sennosides, and other closely related amalgams. As well as being laxative[1-2]


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