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Saving the planet?

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Saving the planet?

Two of the most important questions that we currently need to answer regarding the environment are: 'How can we save energy and resources?" and 'How can we slow down or reduce global warming?:

One man who is trying to answer these questions is Elon Musk. Musk made his fortune with PayPal, the online payment system, and has invested his money in various projects that go some way to answering these questions.

One of his projects, SpaceX, started in 2002. The company that Musk set up makes rockets that can safely return to Earth and land vertically so that they can be reused. Up until now, rockets have usually broken up on their way back to Earth. Musk believes that this is an unnecessary waste of money and resources, which can be saved if rockets are reused. It costs around $100 million to launch a rocket, but by reusing rockets, this can be reduced by $30-40 million. So far, SpaceX has successfully launched two rockets that have returned back to Earth. The rockets carry satellites into orbit and they can also deliver food and equipment to the International Space Station.

Another of Musk's projects is the Tesla, the first 100% electric sports car. Tesla Motors has sold over 100,000 cars, each costing in the region of $69,000 to $100,000.

In the future, the company is going to produce less expensive models. The company believes that the market for its cars will grow as people move away from petrol-driven cars. This will help reduce pollution and, in turn, global warming.

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