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This year may be special because it witnesses the World Cup event in Qatar, which is held every four years.Most of my family will support the Arab national team, which is Saudi Arabia, except for my brother, who will support Argentina (because he loves Messi).But despite all that, what has impressed me most about the World Cup so far is Saudi Arabia's victory over Argentina, which is a source of pride for us. we. Arabs.My family and I have to watch the matches.

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This year may be special because it witnesses the World Cup event in Qatar, which is held every four years. My family and I have to watch the matches. Most of my family will support the Arab national team, which is Saudi Arabia, except for my brother, who will support Argentina (because he loves Messi). It is also an unfortunate and sad year for him and the fans of Argentina, because it will be the last World Cup that Messi will play, and this may be for several reasons, including:
Messi has grown old and no longer has the ability to play as he did in the past .. But despite all that, what has impressed me most about the World Cup so far is Saudi Arabia’s victory over Argentina, which is a source of pride for us. we. Arabs.

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