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The study conduct evaluation of advanced medical imaging services at private centers in south west bank by using Donabedian model, to assess the services inputs were included such as number of centers, communication of the staff and RTs with clients, and type of equipment.The process included affordability and accessibility to imaging services, appropriateness, Communication, respect, safety and privacy.

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The study conduct evaluation of advanced medical imaging services at private centers in south west bank by using Donabedian model, to assess the services inputs were included such as number of centers, communication of the staff and RTs with clients, and type of equipment. The process included affordability and accessibility to imaging services, appropriateness, Communication, respect, safety and privacy. Additionally, the output included cost of imaging services, quality of imaging services and level of client’s satisfaction. A questionnaire used to measure clients satisfaction from their perspective. Results revealed the majority clients were satisfied about the services, the high percentage expressed their satisfaction about services were males, the participants agreed on the quality of imaging services matches the imaging cost.

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