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Summarize result (50%)

As in our research study, a
sample of 100 employees was selected from a total of 8,500 employees of 0Q Company to obtain
the data and information required for the research study, where only 25 responses were obtained.

Original text

Data analysis for quantitative studies, on the other hand, entails analyzing and critically
interpreting the figures we received from the questionnaire and corresponding to the research study
on the effects of performance evaluation on the organizational performance of 0Q Company,
which displays mathematical statistics such as a sample drawn from a larger group of people and
attempts to find the rationale behind the appearance of the results. As in our research study, a
sample of 100 employees was selected from a total of 8,500 employees of 0Q Company to obtain
the data and information required for the research study, where only 25 responses were obtained.

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