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?Of course, not everyone is a fan of frozen treats.Some prefer the indulgence of delicious freshly baked goods, like chocolate chip cookies.However, after taking the cookies out of the oven, Wakefield discovered that the chocolate hadn't melted.These people should be grateful for an accidental discovery made by an American housewife in 1930.One day Ruth Wakefield was making chocolate cookies when she realized that she had run out of baker's chocolate.

Original text

‏Of course, not everyone is a fan of frozen treats. Some prefer the indulgence of delicious freshly baked goods, like chocolate chip cookies. These people should be grateful for an accidental discovery made by an American housewife in 1930. One day Ruth Wakefield was making chocolate cookies when she realized that she had run out of baker's chocolate. Wakefield decided to substitute broken- up pieces of a chocolate bar she had on hand. She assumed that the small pieces of chocolate would melt and mix into the batter. However, after taking the cookies out of the oven, Wakefield discovered that the chocolate hadn't melted. Instead, there were little chips of chocolate throughout the cookie. Much to Wakefield's delight, the chocolate chip cookie proved to be a great success with her family and guests. Wakefield sold the recipe to the chocolate company Nestlé® in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate chips. It wasn't long before the chocolate chip cookie became a world- famous treat

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