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Saratoga, A California, USA
I've always been interested in how things work.I'm developing a type of battery that charges super quickly but is small and light enough to be used in handheld devices like smart phones and tablets.I suppose that natural curiosity was the start of my interest in electronics and put me on the path to becoming an inventor.Telling me how something worked simply wasn't enough - I had to see it for myself.

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Saratoga, A California, USA
I've always been interested in how things work. My parents told me that I used to take things apart when I was young because I was curious about what was inside. Telling me how something worked simply wasn't enough - I had to see it for myself. I suppose that natural curiosity was the start of my interest in electronics and put me on the path to becoming an inventor. My latest project is all about portable energy. I'm developing a type of battery that charges super quickly but is small and light enough to be used in handheld devices like smart phones and tablets. People have commented on my success at such a young age, especially when I won prizes and got funding for research before I was 18, but as far as I'm concerned, young people are natural innovators - it's our own futures we're improving so what better motivation can there be?

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