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Once upon a time in a forest there was a cocky and arrogant hare; He was making fun of the wise turtle, bullying it and describing it as slow and lazy, so the turtle decided to challenge the hare.Then the hare felt remorse because he had bullied the turtle and decided to apologize From the turtle, he really apologized, and the turtle forgave him, and they became the best of friends

Original text

Once upon a time in a forest there was a cocky and arrogant hare; He was making fun of the wise turtle, bullying it and describing it as slow and lazy, so the turtle decided to challenge the hare. He does not train because of his arrogance and overconfidence; Suddenly the day of the competition, and the referee sounded the start whistle, the rabbit ran quickly and reached a far place, so he decided to take a rest and decided to sleep; And indeed, the hare slept for a long time under the tree, so the tortoise preceded him and won. After a while of his victory, the hare woke up thinking that the turtle had not reached, but when he reached the finish line, he found the turtle had arrived and was shocked and surprised by that. Then the hare felt remorse because he had bullied the turtle and decided to apologize From the turtle, he really apologized, and the turtle forgave him, and they became the best of friends

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