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Summarize result (50%)

1- Ensure that goals are realistic
2- Convey unconditional positive regard for client.Give
positive reinforcement for problem identification and develop- ment of more adaptive coping behaviors
6- Encourage and support client in confronting the fear of failure
by having client attend therapy activities and undertake new tasks.

Original text

1- Ensure that goals are realistic
2- Convey unconditional positive regard for client.
3- Spend time with client, both on a one-to-one basis and in
group activities.
4- Assist client in identifying positive aspects of self and in devel-
oping plans for changing the characteristics he or she views as negative.
5- Help client decrease use of denial as a defense mechanism. Give
positive reinforcement for problem identification and develop- ment of more adaptive coping behaviors
6- Encourage and support client in confronting the fear of failure
by having client attend therapy activities and undertake new tasks. Offer recognition of successful endeavors and positive re- inforcement for attempts made.

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