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Education system started back in the nineteenth century. Back in those days, education was thought to be necessary only for males and the females were considered as someone who only works around the house, and looks after children and husband. This has changed drastically since, nowadays more and more girls are getting education as the general population agreed that women need to be empowered as much as man do. The topic of the argument though is whether a co-education system, which means where both boys and girls can study together in same enclosure, better or is single sex education system. co-education is illegal in Saudi Arabia’s schools and universities. However, in September 2009, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, it was applied the co-education system, but later it received strong criticism from most of Saudi Arabia’s conservative clerics who opined that this university was attempting to change the Islamic character of Saudi Arabia. However, there are many international studies conclude that the co-education system is better. There are three main opinions emerge from these studies. The first is that co-educational learning environment

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Education system started back in the nineteenth century. Back in those days, education was thought to be necessary only for males and the females were considered as someone who only works around the house, and looks after children and husband. This has changed drastically since, nowadays more and more girls are getting education as the general population agreed that women need to be empowered as much as man do. The topic of the argument though is whether a co-education system, which means where both boys and girls can study together in same enclosure, better or is single sex education system. co-education is illegal in Saudi Arabia’s schools and universities. However, in September 2009, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, it was applied the co-education system, but later it received strong criticism from most of Saudi Arabia’s conservative clerics who opined that this university was attempting to change the Islamic character of Saudi Arabia. However, there are many international studies conclude that the co-education system is better. There are three main opinions emerge from these studies. The first is that co-educational learning environment

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