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We note an upward trend in the ∆T curve(difference between water production temperatures
(ST-2) and water input temperature (ST-1)). The correlation suggests that as the light intensity
increases, ∆T also increases. where:
 The ∆T curve reaches its lowest point at -3.7 °C under a 30% light intensity, indicating a
negative value. This is due to the cooling effect due to the low temperature of the
environment on the performance of the thermosiphon.

 Conversely, the peak value of 10.6 °C occurs at a light intensity of 90%, signifying a
thermal flow from the hot zone to the cold zone. This observation aligns with the expected
and stable performance of the thermosiphon.

Original text

We note an upward trend in the ∆T curve(difference between water production temperatures
(ST-2) and water input temperature (ST-1)). The correlation suggests that as the light intensity
increases, ∆T also increases. where:
 The ∆T curve reaches its lowest point at -3.7 °C under a 30% light intensity, indicating a
negative value. This is due to the cooling effect due to the low temperature of the
environment on the performance of the thermosiphon.
 Conversely, the peak value of 10.6 °C occurs at a light intensity of 90%, signifying a
thermal flow from the hot zone to the cold zone. This observation aligns with the expected
and stable performance of the thermosiphon.

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