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5 years ago, one day at school, my brother went to my sister's school to get her out.While he was walking in the street, a speeding car accidentally hit him, causing him to fall.My father visited the hospital.May God have mercy on him, and there were no serious injuries.The car owner called an ambulance to save my brother.The ambulance arrived and he was quickly taken to the hospital.The car owner called my father to explain what happened.
5 years ago, one day at school, my brother went to my sister's school to get her out. While he was walking in the street, a speeding car accidentally hit him, causing him to fall. The car owner called an ambulance to save my brother. The ambulance arrived and he was quickly taken to the hospital. The car owner called my father to explain what happened. My father visited the hospital. The doctors tried to save my brother. May God have mercy on him, and there were no serious injuries. His wounds were treated and he returned home to enjoy his recovery
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