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Summarize result (50%)

There lived a son. He was lazy and poor. One day, he remembered his father's talk about a treasure that his father had buried in his field before he died but he forgot the place.

The son started digging the field and kept digging for days but he found no treasure.

In meantime, a passerby came and advised the son to plant some seeds. He acted upon his advice. Soon the seeds grew into crops. He soid the crops in the market. He became a rich.

Then he realized his father trick that is the value of hard work.

Original text

There lived a son. He was lazy and poor. One day, he remembered his father's talk about a treasure that his father had buried in his field before he died but he forgot the place.

The son started digging the field and kept digging for days but he found no treasure.

In meantime, a passerby came and advised the son to plant some seeds. He acted upon his advice. Soon the seeds grew into crops. He soid the crops in the market. He became a rich.

Then he realized his father trick that is the value of hard work.

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