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Summarize result (69%)

After I graduated from high school, my family and I had a wonderful meal at an Italian restaurant to celebrate.It was ?a special day because my family was all there with me.
When we entered the restaurant, it felt cozy and welcoming.We sat at a large table and smiled at each other with excitement.We ordered spaghetti and pizza.The food was delicious, but what made this meal memorable was the surprise at the end.

Original text

After I graduated from high school, my family and I had a wonderful meal at an Italian restaurant to celebrate. It was ثa special day because my family was all there with me.
When we entered the restaurant, it felt cozy and welcoming. We sat at a large table and smiled at each other with excitement.
We ordered spaghetti and pizza. The food was delicious, but what made this meal memorable was the surprise at the end. The restaurant brought out a cake with a graduation cap and the word "Congratulations" written on it.
Everyone clapped as I blew out the candles. I felt so loved and proud in that moment. It was a special time as we laughed and talked about my favorite memories from high school.
Being with my family, eating delicious food, and getting a cake made it a happy and memorable day.

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