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Below we will highlight the topic of human development and its important role in building the human and society.

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And after this research, entitled (Community Development and Human Resources), by the grace of God, I confirm that it came from documented scientific sources and who spoke about the definition of development and human resources, and this research came to this title as a result of the link of development with human resources because workers are the basis of any industry that takes place either under the name Natural or financial resources In both cases, the human factor is the primary factor for the establishment of the development process, and human development plays an important role in the success and progress of society and the institutions present in it, it helps to improve production in it and ensure its continuity without being exposed to the problem of failure and bankruptcy, and with the great development that takes place in The world, human development has started to positively affect peoples and youth in general. Below we will highlight the topic of human development and its important role in building the human and society.

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