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A mainframe computer is known as an advanced multi-user machine, which is typically used to manage databases such as financial transactions and communications for major organizations such as insurance companies, banks, government offices, hospitals, retail stores and many other sectors as well.Since these applications do not need the computational complexity of supercomputers, mainframes are still very powerful.

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A mainframe computer is known as an advanced multi-user machine, which is typically used to manage databases such as financial transactions and communications for major organizations such as insurance companies, banks, government offices, hospitals, retail stores and many other sectors as well. Since these applications do not need the computational complexity of supercomputers, mainframes are still very powerful. These computers can easily process billions of commands or instructions per second, support nearly hundreds of users, and store trillions of bytes of data. They are expensive computers and require staff support to maintain their daily operations. These computers are very dynamic to perform various tasks of daily life, but it is only the personal computer that has truly changed the way we think and work

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