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.IntroductionFlorence Nightingale did not only develop the rst school of nursingbut was also committed to training nurses for the nursing professionand that’s why the Florence Nightingale’s model of “training” spreadquickly throughout the world and successfully improved the quality ofnursing services [1]. Currently, nursing education in Saudi Arabia hasbeen given an utmost consideration to cope with the recentrequirements of nursing education in the developed countries. isutmost consideration has come from the realization that education forprofessional nursing is the backbone of the health services and plays avital role in the promotion of health and quality of life. Consequently,nursing input in health care delivery is important to achieve health forall [2] and in the Saudi society, nursing inuences and is inuenced bythe values and socio-cultural forces.e Mohammad Al-Mana College for Health Sciences began as anInstitute. e institute was up-graded in 2008 to a college, oered thethree year-nursing Diploma program parallel to a bachelor in nursing.e composition of the nursing curriculum is inuenced by theMinistry of Education, faculty and nursing requirements. Nursingrequirements include all courses related to preparing students for thenursing profession and licensure. e nal year of the course is aninternship period in clinical practice, oering the students theopportunity to consolidate their skills and knowledge. e curriculumfor the nursing program is covered over ve years which are allocatedto lectures, laboratory work and clinical practice and are all deliveredthrough the medium of English language…e enrollment of female to the nursing profession has beenobjected by both Saudi parents and students as they were concernedthat female and male will work together in a mix working environment and that they will be away from home due to the long working hoursand shis duty. e image of nursing in Saudi Arabia has beenchanging gradually from holding very negative attitudes to positiveattitudes towards the profession.

Original text

.IntroductionFlorence Nightingale did not only develop the rst school of nursingbut was also committed to training nurses for the nursing professionand that’s why the Florence Nightingale’s model of “training” spreadquickly throughout the world and successfully improved the quality ofnursing services [1]. Currently, nursing education in Saudi Arabia hasbeen given an utmost consideration to cope with the recentrequirements of nursing education in the developed countries. isutmost consideration has come from the realization that education forprofessional nursing is the backbone of the health services and plays avital role in the promotion of health and quality of life. Consequently,nursing input in health care delivery is important to achieve health forall [2] and in the Saudi society, nursing inuences and is inuenced bythe values and socio-cultural forces.e Mohammad Al-Mana College for Health Sciences began as anInstitute. e institute was up-graded in 2008 to a college, oered thethree year-nursing Diploma program parallel to a bachelor in nursing.e composition of the nursing curriculum is inuenced by theMinistry of Education, faculty and nursing requirements. Nursingrequirements include all courses related to preparing students for thenursing profession and licensure. e nal year of the course is aninternship period in clinical practice, oering the students theopportunity to consolidate their skills and knowledge. e curriculumfor the nursing program is covered over ve years which are allocatedto lectures, laboratory work and clinical practice and are all deliveredthrough the medium of English language…e enrollment of female to the nursing profession has beenobjected by both Saudi parents and students as they were concernedthat female and male will work together in a mix working environment and that they will be away from home due to the long working hoursand shis duty. e image of nursing in Saudi Arabia has beenchanging gradually from holding very negative attitudes to positiveattitudes towards the profession.

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