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Summarize result (68%)

o An average day on the station starts with breakfast,
personal hygiene, housecleaning and checking the daily
schedule on a laptop computer.o After lunch, the crew receives a one-hour break and then
it's back to work, doing routine maintenance on the
station, conducting research and working on experiments.o Next, blood samples are drawn for analysis later in the
day and a daily conference is conducted with Mission
Control to make sure everyone knows what is scheduled
throughout the day.The entire crew then meets for lunch in
the Zvezda Service Module.o Afterward, the cabin's air pressure is checked and the
crew does a few more laps on the treadmill.o A routine air quality check is taken and the crew begins
work on allotted experiments.

Original text

• An average day on the station starts with breakfast,
personal hygiene, housecleaning and checking the daily
schedule on a laptop computer.
• Next, blood samples are drawn for analysis later in the
day and a daily conference is conducted with Mission
Control to make sure everyone knows what is scheduled
throughout the day.
• A routine air quality check is taken and the crew begins
work on allotted experiments.
• Later, another air quality check is done and the crew hits
the treadmill and exercise bike for a two-hour daily
exercise regimen. The entire crew then meets for lunch in
the Zvezda Service Module.
• After lunch, the crew receives a one-hour break and then
it’s back to work, doing routine maintenance on the
station, conducting research and working on experiments.
• Afterward, the cabin’s air pressure is checked and the
crew does a few more laps on the treadmill.
• Next, tasks are finished, experiments cleaned and station
systems checked.
• The crew then eats and has another daily planning
conference to prepare for the next day.
• Finally, the crew has free time to get ready for bed and
rest for the next busy day ahead.

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