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Plastic bags affect many people, not only the consumers but plastic bags also affects the environment and animals.What I mean by this is that we are using up oil to make these plastic bags which really isn't something we "need". The human impact is that we are polluting our environment because we dispose of the plastic bags incorrectly. An alternative for plastic bags would be using reusable bags made of other fabrics instead of using plastic. Using reusable bags would reduce the effects of plastic bags because we would lower the amount of plastic being produced and disposed by simply using a reusable bag."Research shows that "It takes 500-1,000 years for plastic to degrade" this means the plastic we use isn't really going away anytime soon. The amount of plastic bags we use is important because once we throw the plastic bags away they will just pile up and create pollution, which is harmful to the environment because how we dispose of the plastic bags isn't really going to help due to the amount of time it takes for them to decompose. Something important to know is that "50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just once and throw away" this should be taken into consideration because the plastic bags are just being used once then thrown away, this contributes to the pollution being created.The environmental effects due to plastic bags are pollution, litter, loss of resource, and pacific trash vortex.Plastic bags are extremely harmful to the environment because we use them in massive quantities.This piece of evidence is important because it has a couple of meanings.

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Plastic bags affect many people, not only the consumers but plastic bags also affects the environment and animals. We are affected by plastic bags because we all dispose of them incorrectly and because we are unaware of the consequences of using plastic bags. Research shows that “It takes 500-1,000 years for plastic to degrade” this means the plastic we use isn’t really going away anytime soon. The amount of plastic bags we use is important because once we throw the plastic bags away they will just pile up and create pollution, which is harmful to the environment because how we dispose of the plastic bags isn’t really going to help due to the amount of time it takes for them to decompose. Something important to know is that “50 percent of the plastic we use, we use just once and throw away” this should be taken into consideration because the plastic bags are just being used once then thrown away, this contributes to the pollution being created. This is how we are affected by the use of plastic bags.

The environmental effects of plastic bags are important because they not only affect the environment ,but also affects humans. The environmental effects due to plastic bags are pollution, litter, loss of resource, and pacific trash vortex.Plastic bags are extremely harmful to the environment because we use them in massive quantities. This is important because plastic bags are used worldwide and are mostly used once then are thrown out and because of this we are just harming ourselves by continuing to use plastic bags.

Environmental and human costs are related because they both negatively impact us in many ways. “Over the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century.” This piece of evidence is important because it has a couple of meanings. The first meaning is related to the environmental impact, we are using the resources which is being used for something that isn’t necessary. What I mean by this is that we are using up oil to make these plastic bags which really isn’t something we “need”. The human impact is that we are polluting our environment because we dispose of the plastic bags incorrectly.

An alternative for plastic bags would be using reusable bags made of other fabrics instead of using plastic. Using reusable bags would reduce the effects of plastic bags because we would lower the amount of plastic being produced and disposed by simply using a reusable bag.” Reusable bags are an alternative for plastic bags because they are environmentally friendly and can be used repeatedly to reduce waste.” Something to keep in mind is that plastic bags are not only beneficial to the environment, but they also benefit us because we would be able to reuse them over and over again.

To make things better I would use an alternative for plastic bags, which in this case is using a reuseable bag. People would begin to use reusable bags as soon as possible because doing so we could be able to cut down on the negative impact created by plastic bags. Using reusable bags instead of plastic bags is something that should be done worldwide because the impact that plastic bags has would be reduced.

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