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An ambitious and patient person who was able to immigrate from a poor and insecure country to Canada in search of safety and a future for his childrenTo immigrate to Canada, you need a lot of requirements, such as the language and skills needed for the labor market, in addition to the ability to adapt to the environment and the cold weather of Canada.The necessity of obtaining Canadian news in order to obtain a job opportunity, as well as the system of equivalence of certificates takes a long timeThis helps in learning from the experiences and challenges that he faced and how he was able to reach his goal.This pushes us towards the realization of our dreams.This experience is a great sacrifice that my father made by leaving his family, his history and his memories in order to build a better future for his family and his son.

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An ambitious and patient person who was able to immigrate from a poor and insecure country to Canada in search of safety and a future for his childrenTo immigrate to Canada, you need a lot of requirements, such as the language and skills needed for the labor market, in addition to the ability to adapt to the environment and the cold weather of Canada.The necessity of obtaining Canadian news in order to obtain a job opportunity, as well as the system of equivalence of certificates takes a long timeThis helps in learning from the experiences and challenges that he faced and how he was able to reach his goal. This pushes us towards the realization of our dreams.This experience is a great sacrifice that my father made by leaving his family, his history and his memories in order to build a better future for his family and his son. Why does the immigration application take a long time before approval

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