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What do you know about Saudi Labor Law?The first pillar is Royal Decree M/51 of September 23, 1426/27, 2005, with amendments declared in Royal Decree M/46 of May 5, 1436H.The job legislative structure in Saudi Arabia is built on two pillars.(The Labor Law).

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What do you know about Saudi Labor Law?
The job legislative structure in Saudi Arabia is built on two pillars. The first pillar is Royal Decree M/51 of September 23, 1426/27, 2005, with amendments declared in Royal Decree M/46 of May 5, 1436H. (The Labor Law).
The Labor Law's "Implementing Rules" are the second pillar. The Labor Legislation includes unique clauses that cover concerns such as hiring and firing.
Labor Regulation No. 51 provides for the method of proof of employment contract in addition to the time of writing; The Saudi Labor System contains all the articles that reflect the rights of the worker and the rights of the employer, as well as articles that determine the number of working hours in different jobs and how to deal with work injuries as well.
The Saudi Labor System supplements a series of implementing regulations with (254 articles), in addition to the decisions on specific issues provided for in the resolution.
(Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development).
Saudi labor law includes definitions and general provisions. - Employment of non-Saudis - training and training - employment relations - Conditions and conditions of work - part-time work - prevention of work risks, prevention of major accidents, work injuries, health and social services - Employment of women - employment of juveniles - maritime employment contract - Work in mines and quarries, labor inspection, labor dispute resolution bodies, penalties and final provisions.
The Labor Law does not extend to: an employer's family members who are the only workers of a company, servants in the home, staff in the maritime and agricultural industries and foreign nationals who enter Saudi Arabia for a period of two months or less to perform a particular mission.
The Labor Courts are competent to deal with labor cases in all their forms and types. They are branches of the Courts of First Instance in all regions and governorates of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Labor courts have jurisdiction over issues relating to employment contracts, wages, rights, work injuries and compensation. Cases concerning the employer's disciplinary sanctions against the employee or the application for exemption from them. Proceedings to impose the penalties provided for in the labor system. Issues arising from dismissal. Complaints by employers and workers whose objections have not been accepted against any decision of any competent organ of the State Social Insurance Institute concerning the obligation to register, contribute or compensate. Cases concerning workers subject to the provisions of the labor system, including government workers. Issues arising from the application of the labor and social insurance systems.

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