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Saudi Arabia 2030's Vision is a government plan to reduce the dependence on oil and diversify the economy sources.In Saudi Arabia, the 2030's Vision has focused the spotlight on the local entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem, enabling SMEs through several initiatives that prominently feature Islamic finance, including Sukuk and crowdfunding.One of the vision goals includes reinforcing economic and investment activitiesin Saudi.

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Saudi Arabia 2030’s Vision is a government plan to reduce the dependence on oil and diversify the economy sources. It will also assist in the development of public service sectors, such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism. One of the vision goals includes reinforcing economic and investment activitiesin Saudi. And, one of the vision themes is to have a thriving economy that includes investing for the future of its citizens . Under this theme, the Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP) is motivating new emerging players, such as FinTech startups, to stimulate innovation and competition by 2030 in accordance with Vision 2030.

In Saudi Arabia, the 2030’s Vision has focused the spotlight on the local entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem, enabling SMEs through several initiatives that prominently feature Islamic finance, including Sukuk and crowdfunding.

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