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Activities of Sequential Functions
According to Mackenzie, a manager's sequential func- tions are divided into five areas--planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.Developing strategies: Deciding how and when to
achieve goals
4.Setting objectives: Determining desired results

Original text

Activities of Sequential Functions
According to Mackenzie, a manager’s sequential func- tions are divided into five areas—planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.
The management plan involves seven basic activities:

  1. Forecasting: Establishing where present courses will lead

  2. Setting objectives: Determining desired results

  3. Developing strategies: Deciding how and when to
    achieve goals

  4. Programming: Establishing priorities, sequence, and
    timing of steps

  5. Budgeting: Allocating resources

  6. Setting procedures: Standardizing methods

  7. Developing policies: Making standing decisions on
    important recurring matters

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