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Shade selection, determination of customized coloration (shade mapping)
Fabrication of the master cast: type IV dental stone, dentin-colored composite-resin or ceramic stumps are used (only for feldspathic ceramics)
Use of a die spacer for cement space (in CAD / CAM milling, the software performs this step.Fitting of the restoration on a solid unsectioned cast.(Kern et al., 2017)

Original text

Shade selection, determination of customized coloration (shade mapping)
Fabrication of the master cast: type IV dental stone, dentin-colored composite-resin or ceramic stumps are used (only for feldspathic ceramics)
Use of a die spacer for cement space (in CAD / CAM milling, the software performs this step.
Strict observance and following of manufacturer’s recommendations for wall thickness to prevent internal stresses and cracking, and avoid air entrapment and surface defects during fabrication is essential for the longevity of the restoration
Coordination of occlusal concepts with the dentist to minimalize time required for occlusal adjustments on the restoration by grinding, include adjustment of the opposing dentition. Fitting of the restoration on a solid unsectioned cast.(Kern et al., 2017)

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