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Reasons for Dora's Symptoms:

Dora's symptoms of tiredness and lack of time for rest may stem from various factors related to her transition to university life..2 Cognitive Strain: Constantly assimilating new information and preparing for classes without sufficient rest can strain Dora's cognitive abilities, impacting her concentration and memory retention.Reactions to Objective Learning


.1 Physical Exhaustion: Dora's body may react to the demands of university life by experiencing fatigue, as her schedule may be packed with lectures, assignments, and studying.

Original text

Reasons for Dora's Symptoms:

Dora's symptoms of tiredness and lack of time for rest may stem from various factors related to her transition to university life. Firstly, the increased academic workload and the pace of university education can overwhelm first-year students like Dora, leaving little time for adequate rest. Additionally, the pressure to adapt socially and academically adds to her stress, further impacting her ability to manage time effectively.

Reactions to Objective Learning


.1 Physical Exhaustion: Dora's body may react to the demands of university life by experiencing fatigue, as her schedule may be packed with lectures, assignments, and studying.

2 Decreased Immune Function: The stress from academic pressure and lack of rest can compromise Dora's immune system, making her more susceptible to illnesses.

Reactions to Subjective Learning


.1 Emotional Distress: Dora may experience feelings of anxiety and overwhelm due to the new environment and academic expectations, leading to emotional exhaustion.

.2 Cognitive Strain: Constantly assimilating new information and preparing for classes without sufficient rest can strain Dora's cognitive abilities, impacting her concentration and memory retention.

Addressing these factors through time management strategies, seeking academic support, and prioritizing self-care can help Dora navigate the challenges of university life more effectively

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