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Is designed to measure and advance an organization's analytics capabilities.

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The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to promote the best use of IT and management systems in the healthcare industry. The organization provides thought leadership, professional and workforce development and public policy. The goal of HIMSS is to promote better health, including health outcomes, through the use of information and technology. It focuses its attention on health IT topics, such as electronic health records, Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security and privacy provisions, interoperability and technical standards.
Is designed to measure and advance an organization’s analytics capabilities. Introduced in 2016, this international eight-stage (0–7) model measures the capabilities an organization has gained from installation of technology and surrounding processes. The HIMSS Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) incorporates methodology and algorithms to score hospitals around the world relative to their electronic medical record (EMR) capabilities. This eight-stage (0–7) model measures the adoption and utilization of EMR functions.. The table below shows the eight-stages and what it measures:

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