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This information sheds light on Langston Hughes' broader belief in the
transformative potential of artistic expression as a tool for social change,
particularly in challenging racial stereotypes and promoting racial equality.This perspective enriches our
understanding of the poem's thematic significance and its relevance within Hughes'
broader ideological framework.Understanding Hughes' perspective adds depth to the interpretation of "As I Grew
Older" by framing it within the context of his advocacy for social justice through
art. The poem can be seen as a reflection of the African-American experience, with
the "wall of darkness" symbolizing the societal barriers and oppression faced by
the speaker.

Original text

This information sheds light on Langston Hughes' broader belief in the
transformative potential of artistic expression as a tool for social change,
particularly in challenging racial stereotypes and promoting racial equality.
Understanding Hughes' perspective adds depth to the interpretation of "As I Grew
Older" by framing it within the context of his advocacy for social justice through
art. The poem can be seen as a reflection of the African-American experience, with
the "wall of darkness" symbolizing the societal barriers and oppression faced by
the speaker. By breaking through this barrier, the speaker embodies the resilience
and determination needed to overcome adversity and reclaim agency. Hughes
likely intended the poem to inspire hope and empowerment, aligning with his
vision of using art to effect positive social change. This perspective enriches our
understanding of the poem's thematic significance and its relevance within Hughes'
broader ideological framework.

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