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The grasshopper was cheerful and playing the violin with all his heart.The grasshopper said laughing at him: "Don't worry. About winter, the hungry grasshopper went to the ant's house and humbly begged to eat something. The ant said: "If you had listened to my advice in the summer, you wouldn't need it nowHe saw its ants storing food.The grasshopper said, "Come and sing with me instead of working hard." The ant said, "I should store food for the winter, and I advise you to do the same."

Original text

The grasshopper was cheerful and playing the violin with all his heart. He saw its ants storing food. The grasshopper said, “Come and sing with me instead of working hard.” The ant said, “I should store food for the winter, and I advise you to do the same.” The grasshopper said laughing at him: “Don't worry. About winter, the hungry grasshopper went to the ant's house and humbly begged to eat something. The ant said: "If you had listened to my advice in the summer, you wouldn't need it now

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