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The traditional nomadic culture of Kazakhs is centered around an agro-pastoral lifestyle, where livestock such as sheep, goats and horses are herded across the steppe to search for new pastures.Other traditions include traditional cuisine, music, dance and sports as well as the doing of oral storytelling, poetry and epic tales.

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The traditional nomadic culture of Kazakhs is centered around an agro-pastoral lifestyle, where livestock such as sheep, goats and horses are herded across the steppe to search for new pastures. This highly mobile way of life is based on the use of temporary shelters such as yurts, which are easy to dismantle and move over long distances.The family unit is a key part of the nomadic lifestyle with strong social and economic ties between generations. This includes the practice of sharing resources, such as food and land, and the maintenance of kinship ties which often extend across vast distances. Other traditions include traditional cuisine, music, dance and sports as well as the doing of oral storytelling, poetry and epic tales.

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