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The diagram illustrates a method for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant emissions.Detailed explanations on how each component functions and the chemical reactions involved would be greatly appreciated.Subsequently, the mixture is directed to a stripper unit where heat separates the CO2 from the amines.

Original text

The diagram illustrates a method for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant emissions. It shows the interaction between CO2 and an amine solution within an absorber unit, where CO2 binds with the amines. Subsequently, the mixture is directed to a stripper unit where heat separates the CO2 from the amines. The amines are then recycled back into the absorber unit, and the separated CO2 is stored under the sea. This process aims to reduce atmospheric CO2 and mitigate climate change. Detailed explanations on how each component functions and the chemical reactions involved would be greatly appreciated.

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