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'Death be not Proud' is a poem addressed to the personification of Death.The speaker highlights Death's false pride, his unearned reputation, and his shortcomings.Finally, the speaker suggests that Death is but a short sleep before we wake eternally, which logically means that Death then dies when the person 'awakes'.Further berating the personification of Death, the speaker points out the type of undesirable company he keeps: Poison, war and sickness.The speaker lists poppies and charms as things that can cause a peaceful sleep, which is better than what Death can offer.Linking the experience of sleep to death, he suggests that Death is merely a long sleep.

Original text

'Death be not Proud' is a poem addressed to the personification of Death. The speaker highlights Death’s false pride, his unearned reputation, and his shortcomings.
The speaker begins by calling out Death for what he believes is an inflated ego and an unearned reputation as all-powerful. He directly informs Death that Death cannot kill him.

Linking the experience of sleep to death, he suggests that Death is merely a long sleep. Since sleep is pleasurable, then there is no reason to believe that Death would not be too.

The speaker goes on to mention that the best men die young, achieving rest from the realms of the earth. He suggests that Death is not all-powerful but actually dictated to by random events, kings and those desperate enough to murder or take their own lives.

Further berating the personification of Death, the speaker points out the type of undesirable company he keeps: Poison, war and sickness.

The speaker lists poppies and charms as things that can cause a peaceful sleep, which is better than what Death can offer. He asks Death why he is so puffed up when he is, in fact, inadequate.
Finally, the speaker suggests that Death is but a short sleep before we wake eternally, which logically means that Death then dies when the person 'awakes'.

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