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people like being entertained and they spend some of their free time reading or watching a film on television ,DVD, video or at the cinema. all of these films are stories. some could be about real people and events that really happened. these are called non-fiction. however, some may not be real and have been invented by writers or authors. these are called fiction. many films are based on books you may have read.
the film or book may be a comedy with a funny story and jokes, an action story with car chases and fighting, or a science fiction adventure set in space, one of the most popular types of film or book is called a mystery. these stories could be about something strange, a secret, a puzzle, or a riddle to be solved with clues and maps to help you find buried treasure. sometimes there may be a detective who looks at all the clues and evidence to help solve a crime, find a missing person or thing. sometimes the mystery may be very difficult and cannot be solved, because we do not on enough about it.

Original text

people like being entertained and they spend some of their free time reading or watching a film on television ,DVD, video or at the cinema. all of these films are stories. some could be about real people and events that really happened. these are called non-fiction. however, some may not be real and have been invented by writers or authors. these are called fiction. many films are based on books you may have read.
the film or book may be a comedy with a funny story and jokes, an action story with car chases and fighting, or a science fiction adventure set in space, one of the most popular types of film or book is called a mystery. these stories could be about something strange, a secret, a puzzle, or a riddle to be solved with clues and maps to help you find buried treasure. sometimes there may be a detective who looks at all the clues and evidence to help solve a crime, find a missing person or thing. sometimes the mystery may be very difficult and cannot be solved, because we do not on enough about it.

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