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SCFHS Postgraduate Professional Programs
In response to the national strategic Vision 2030, the SCFHS has taken the lead in providing professional training and preparation programs for nurses.Training centers for these programs are healthcare organizations accredited by the SCFHS.Thirty-eight postgraduate nursing programs were implemented in the 2017-2018 academic year, including the following majors: adult critical care, oncology, cardiology, emergency, neonatal intensive care, and midwifery [29].The trainee is required to pass a promotion exam to level up in the program and then pass a theoretical exam and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to be eligible for graduation.A designated scientific committee under the supervision of the SCFHS designs these postgraduate programs' contents.Universal training modules, such as patient safety and infection control, are provided through the e-learning platform on the SCFHS websiteThese programs are of
two years' duration with a clinical-oriented training and evaluation.The method of acceptance into these programs goes through several stages at the SCFHS.

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SCFHS Postgraduate Professional Programs
In response to the national strategic Vision 2030, the SCFHS has taken the lead in providing professional training and preparation programs for nurses. Thirty-eight postgraduate nursing programs were implemented in the 2017-2018 academic year, including the following majors: adult critical care, oncology, cardiology, emergency, neonatal intensive care, and midwifery [29]. In addition to these programs, home care and community nursing, as well as other programs, were established in 2019. These programs are of
two years’ duration with a clinical-oriented training and evaluation. The trainee is required to pass a promotion exam to level up in the program and then pass a theoretical exam and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to be eligible for graduation. A designated scientific committee under the supervision of the SCFHS designs these postgraduate programs’ contents. The method of acceptance into these programs goes through several stages at the SCFHS. Training centers for these programs are healthcare organizations accredited by the SCFHS. Universal training modules, such as patient safety and infection control, are provided through the e-learning platform on the SCFHS website

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