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Biltagy (2012) asserts that the issue of quality education has become important in many countries that have envisioned greater enrollment and better education outcome, Egypt is not an exception. Egypt has been having the largest education system in Africa since the early 1990s where tertiary education has been highly considered in comparison to other African countries. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, there are 17 public universities, 16 private universities and 89 private higher institutions that accommodate at least 30% of all Egyptians attend universities in the relevant age group. Biltagy (2012) affirms that Egypt has a large education system and more people with a higher education level; thus, his study focused on the quality of education in the country. In this light, Biltagy (2012) focused on the relationship between different inputs and outputs as the determinants of measuring quality in education. Inputs, in this case, represent the infrastructure, resources, school environment, and preparation of teachers, curriculum, and social-economic background among other factors. The output simply focused on student performance using the results of assessments.

Original text

Biltagy (2012) asserts that the issue of quality education has become important in many countries that have envisioned greater enrollment and better education outcome, Egypt is not an exception. Egypt has been having the largest education system in Africa since the early 1990s where tertiary education has been highly considered in comparison to other African countries. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, there are 17 public universities, 16 private universities and 89 private higher institutions that accommodate at least 30% of all Egyptians attend universities in the relevant age group. Biltagy (2012) affirms that Egypt has a large education system and more people with a higher education level; thus, his study focused on the quality of education in the country. In this light, Biltagy (2012) focused on the relationship between different inputs and outputs as the determinants of measuring quality in education. Inputs, in this case, represent the infrastructure, resources, school environment, and preparation of teachers, curriculum, and social-economic background among other factors. The output simply focused on student performance using the results of assessments.

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