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Changes in Carbohydrates during Storage:
Carbohydrates can be said to be relatively stable to processing and storage compared to sensitive nutrients like vitamins.
There is no big loss within the nutritional value of carbohydrates in frozen, canned or dried foods. In fact, some carbohydrates are made more digestible through processing and thus nutritionally available and complex carbohydrates are converted to simple sugars. Adverse brown pigments occur in frozen and dried foods when carbohydrates react with proteins (10(.

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Changes in Carbohydrates during Storage:
Carbohydrates can be said to be relatively stable to processing and storage compared to sensitive nutrients like vitamins. There is no big loss within the nutritional value of carbohydrates in frozen, canned or dried foods. In fact, some carbohydrates are made more digestible through processing and thus nutritionally available and complex carbohydrates are converted to simple sugars. Adverse brown pigments occur in frozen and dried foods when carbohydrates react with proteins (10(.

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