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Summarize result (70%)

A parrot named Percy was fired from
the Bakersville Zoo.The parrots were
performing in front of a crowd when
Percy suddenly shrieked out improper
language.He was one of a
dozen talking parrots, which are the
zoo's main attraction.The visitors and zookeepers
were shocked.

Original text

A parrot named Percy was fired from
the Bakersville Zoo. He was one of a
dozen talking parrots, which are the
zoo's main attraction. The parrots were
performing in front of a crowd when
Percy suddenly shrieked out improper
language. The visitors and zookeepers
were shocked. The zoo decided not
to risk a repeat performance in front of
children and kicked Percy out of the
zoo. One zookeeper said, GWe'll find a
safe new home for Percy."

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