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you're very lucky to have such parents!Attending a university and exposing yourself to a wide range of courses is a good way to cultivate your intellect and develop yourself as a person.Highly educated and cultivated individuals throughout the world share a common denominator of broad knowledge and scholarship.Living in a dormitory is itself a lesson in life a lesson where you learn how to forge ties of friendship and build lasting human relationships.At any rate, the question of where you study at a vocational school, a two-year college or a four-year university is something only you can decide based on many factors, including your family circumstances, academic ability and personal desires.The higher you climb, the broader your field of vision and the wider the world unfolds before you.It's like climbing a mountain.

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you're very lucky to have such parents! Vocational school, and four-year universities each have their own strong points. In today's society, specialists may have an advantage finding work. But I also think it is wonderful for students to attend a four-year college and then go on to pursue a more specialized field later. Attending a university and exposing yourself to a wide range of courses is a good way to cultivate your intellect and develop yourself as a person. Higher education is an important tool for building character, too. Living in a dormitory is itself a lesson in life a lesson where you learn how to forge ties of friendship and build lasting human relationships. Highly educated and cultivated individuals throughout the world share a common denominator of broad knowledge and scholarship. Education provides the opportunity to lift yourself to a high level of personal development. It's like climbing a mountain. The higher you climb, the broader your field of vision and the wider the world unfolds before you. You begin to see things that you could not see before. At any rate, the question of where you study at a vocational school, a two-year college or a four-year university is something only you can decide based on many factors, including your family circumstances, academic ability and personal desires. Of course, in deciding what to do, it is important to consult others your parents, teachers, friends. But once you make your decision and put it into action, don't look back. You mustn't live your life filled with indecision and lingering regret. Success or failure in life is decided in the final chapter, not the opening page.

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