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Tooth decay also known as tooth decay or tooth cavities is the erosion of teeth due to acids produced by bacteria [1], The main cause of tooth decay is bad ha habits, including frequent eating foods that contain sugars such as sweets, as well as not cleaning teeth regularly; this leads to the accumulation of bacterial waste and thus the formation of decay, which is known in English as Caries, bacteria may be cavities in the teeth ranging from yellow to black [2], Symptoms may include pain and difficulty eating [2-3], Diet, oral health, and general health are interlinked with each other.However, during the last decade studies have indicated that caries comprise a major problem in the adult population of both developing and industrialized countries [5-6], Risk indicators of dental caries among adults have been evaluated by different investigators in different parts of the world, with age being the most commonly reported factor associated with a higher number of dental caries [7-8], Women were reported in some articles to have more dental caries than men [9_10], while another study did not show any significant differences between men and women [11].2 Dental carries high amount of carbonated and sugar drink absent of fiouride disease that have decreases salivary flow poor oral hygiene large amount of sticky sugary food candy So, this study amid to study the prevalence of dental carries and risk factor - among genius university stud.This selective eating results in a deficiency of man nutrients in the body, which are essential for the integrity of the whole body and teeth, surrounding tissues, bones, and wound [4], Epidemiological studies of dental caries in adults are relatively rare.Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey.
Tooth decay also known as tooth decay or tooth cavities is the erosion of teeth
due to acids produced by bacteria [1], The main cause of tooth decay is bad ha habits,
including frequent eating foods that contain sugars such as sweets, as well as not
cleaning teeth regularly; this leads to the accumulation of bacterial waste and thus the
formation of decay, which is known in English as Caries, bacteria may be cavities in
the teeth ranging from yellow to black [2], Symptoms may include pain and difficulty
eating [2-3], Diet, oral health, and general health are interlinked with each other. diet
high in refined sugar and carbonated drinks
Can cause dental caries and erosion, which can affect dietary intake due to discomfort
while eating. This selective eating results in a deficiency of man nutrients in the body,
which are essential for the integrity of the whole body and teeth, surrounding tissues,
bones, and wound [4], Epidemiological studies of dental caries in adults are relatively rare.
However, during the last decade studies have indicated that caries comprise a major
problem in the adult population of both developing and industrialized countries [5-6], Risk
indicators of dental caries among adults have been evaluated by different investigators in
different parts of the world, with age being the most commonly reported factor associated
with a higher number of dental caries [7-8], Women were reported in some articles to have
more dental caries than men [9_10], while another study did not show any significant
differences between men and women [11]. Income and education have always been
reported to be associated with dental caries [12-13]. In Italy, the level of education was
negatively associated with dental caries when age was constant [14]. In Turkey, dental
caries values were weakly correlated with the level of education and income [15]. In
China, individuals who were economically less well-off had higher dental caries scores
[16]. Poor oral hygiene practices also lead to increased dental caries [11]. Other reported
factors associated with the dental caries include location (urban or rural), sociobehavioural
factors and diet [10-12]. At the World Health Assembly in 1982 the World Health
Organization (WHO) defined the acceptable dental health level in terms of average
decayed, missing and filled teeth index (DMFT) for adults in dif- ferent age groups. These
were: 4 DMFT at age 18 years, 6 DMFT for age 35–44 years and 12 DMFT for age 65+
years [13]. In Turkey, the only source of data at the national level is a situation analysis of
oral health in turkey, which was made in 1990 [17]. According to the study, the average
DMFT value was 4.14 for the 15–19 age group, which is similar to WHO’s. How- ever,
DMFT was 11.59 for the 35–44 age group, which is twice the WHO value, and 28.76 at
65+ years DMFT, which is more than twice the accepted (180 Turkey (with 70 million
population) can be accepted a bridge between Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean
Region. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. the current study evaluated the prevalence of
dental caries in a random sample of Istanbul adults aged 18–74 years. It also aimed to
identify the sociodemographic characteristics as so- coated with a high carries index to
determine which individuals are most at risk.
high amount of
carbonated and
sugar drink
absent of
disease that have
decreases salivary
poor oral
large amount of
sticky sugary food
So, this study amid to study the prevalence of dental carries and risk factor –
among genius university stud.
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