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Obesity is the accumulation of large amounts of fat in the body, which leads to a significant increase in weight does not correspond to the length and age of a person, and become a person fat if the weight increased by 20% over the normal weight, which is greater than a problem related to the beauty of form and body, but it is considered an environment Fertile for many diseases and health problems.Inactivity, laziness, lack of mobility, long stay in front of electronic devices, according to statistics found that 65% of people with obesity are low activity, which explains the prevalence of obesity in countries with a high standard of living and have a variety of means of well-being; , Dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, etc., allows people to rest and do not make effort to become easy prey to obesity.Diabetes, which is the disease associated with obesity, because of the lack of insulin receptors in the cells or a malfunction of these receptors, which makes them do not receive insulin, which leads to the pancreas to secrete insulin, increasing the proportion and shows diabetes.Obesity and infertility; it was found that obese women accumulate fat around the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which leads to imbalance in the process of ovulation and fertilization, and this is not only women, but also men.Occurrence of umbilical hernia phenomenon in obese women, due to the accumulation of intra-abdominal fat, increased pressure of this fat on the abdominal wall.The occurrence of clots and angina pectoris; as a result of the accumulation of fat on the coronary artery and sometimes clogged.Eating large amounts of food more than a person's daily needs, as well as the quality of some foods increase the incidence of obesity more than others such as starches, sweets and fats.The occurrence of problems in the joints and bones, especially knee joints, feet, pelvic joints and back of the spine, because of the increased load on these joints, which may affect them erosion and the occurrence of infections.When you feel hungry between meals, you can eat fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, peppers, lettuce, or fruits, but only 3 hours after the last meal.Hypertension
Shortness of breath with less effort, due to increased burden on the heart and lungs and the accumulation of fat on the rib cage and under the diaphragm.Consequences of obesity
Risks of obesity

Obesity leads to weakness and inefficiency of the heart muscle, as a result of enlargement of the left and right ventricles in case of obesity.Snoring, as a result of pharyngeal muscle relaxation and tongue backward as a result of obesity.Some studies have shown that if one parent is obese, the probability of obesity in children is 40%, if both parents are obese, the probability of obesity in children is 80%, and if both parents are thin, the probability of obesity in boys is 7%.Causes of obesity
The main cause of obesity is an imbalance between the calories entering the body and the calories it burns.Replace fried meat and fish with grilled or boiled substitutes, while avoiding eating meat with fat.How to lose weight
First you have to change your lifestyle, change bad eating habits, and follow the words of God.Second, let laziness and lethargy set a regular exercise schedule.Refrain from eating soft drinks and ready-made foods.Drink plenty of water before or between meals.Refrain from putting sugar in drinks and you can replace it with honey.

Original text

Obesity is the accumulation of large amounts of fat in the body, which leads to a significant increase in weight does not correspond to the length and age of a person, and become a person fat if the weight increased by 20% over the normal weight, which is greater than a problem related to the beauty of form and body, but it is considered an environment Fertile for many diseases and health problems.

Causes of obesity
 The main cause of obesity is an imbalance between the calories entering the body and the calories it burns.
 Eating large amounts of food more than a person's daily needs, as well as the quality of some foods increase the incidence of obesity more than others such as starches, sweets and fats.
 Inactivity, laziness, lack of mobility, long stay in front of electronic devices, according to statistics found that 65% of people with obesity are low activity, which explains the prevalence of obesity in countries with a high standard of living and have a variety of means of well-being; , Dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, etc., allows people to rest and do not make effort to become easy prey to obesity.
 Some studies have shown that if one parent is obese, the probability of obesity in children is 40%, if both parents are obese, the probability of obesity in children is 80%, and if both parents are thin, the probability of obesity in boys is 7%.
Consequences of obesity
Risks of obesity

 Obesity leads to weakness and inefficiency of the heart muscle, as a result of enlargement of the left and right ventricles in case of obesity.
The occurrence of clots and angina pectoris; as a result of the accumulation of fat on the coronary artery and sometimes clogged.
Shortness of breath with less effort, due to increased burden on the heart and lungs and the accumulation of fat on the rib cage and under the diaphragm.
Snoring, as a result of pharyngeal muscle relaxation and tongue backward as a result of obesity.
 Occurrence of umbilical hernia phenomenon in obese women, due to the accumulation of intra-abdominal fat, increased pressure of this fat on the abdominal wall.
 The occurrence of problems in the joints and bones, especially knee joints, feet, pelvic joints and back of the spine, because of the increased load on these joints, which may affect them erosion and the occurrence of infections.
Diabetes, which is the disease associated with obesity, because of the lack of insulin receptors in the cells or a malfunction of these receptors, which makes them do not receive insulin, which leads to the pancreas to secrete insulin, increasing the proportion and shows diabetes.
Obesity and infertility; it was found that obese women accumulate fat around the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which leads to imbalance in the process of ovulation and fertilization, and this is not only women, but also men.
How to lose weight
First you have to change your lifestyle, change bad eating habits, and follow the words of God.

Second, let laziness and lethargy set a regular exercise schedule.
Drink plenty of water before or between meals.
Refrain from putting sugar in drinks and you can replace it with honey.
Replace fried meat and fish with grilled or boiled substitutes, while avoiding eating meat with fat.
When you feel hungry between meals, you can eat fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, peppers, lettuce, or fruits, but only 3 hours after the last meal.
Refrain from eating soft drinks and ready-made foods.

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