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There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and quality of life.Employees experiencing job satisfaction exhibit work-life balance, hence a positive and satisfactory lifestyle.Particularly, job satisfaction informs work-life balance, where individuals are able to obtain an equilibrium between work and life.Workers with job satisfaction have a high sense of life satisfaction, as their work, which takes up a higher percentage of their time, enhances satisfaction.Job satisfaction is positively and directly associated with quality of life.

Original text

There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and quality of life. Job satisfaction results not only in commitment and organizational performance but also impacts the quality of life led. Job satisfaction is positively and directly associated with quality of life. Employees experiencing job satisfaction exhibit work-life balance, hence a positive and satisfactory lifestyle. Typically, job satisfaction predicts higher satisfaction, particularly in life outside work. Workers with job satisfaction have a high sense of life satisfaction, as their work, which takes up a higher percentage of their time, enhances satisfaction.

Particularly, job satisfaction informs work-life balance, where individuals are able to obtain an equilibrium between work and life. Satisfied employees are likely to be happy, positive, and motivated to engage in duties and activities outside their work environment. On the other hand, dissatisfied employees exhibit a negative approach to life. This is because of the overall stress and strain attained from work, which affects life beyond the work environment.

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