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The year was 1973 when Edna Steeves wrote that Jane Austen was not a
bold woman, that she never closely examined the social situation.The
year was also 1973 when Lloyd Brown found Jane Austen's themes "comparable
with the eighteenth-century feminism of Mary Wollstonecraft"
because they question "certain masculine assumptions in society" (324). While Steeves concluded that Austen's time had not been "ripe for rational
and meaningful discussion of women's rights," Brown gave more than a
dozen examples of Wollstonecraft arguments dramatized by Austen females.

Original text

The year was 1973 when Edna Steeves wrote that Jane Austen was not a
bold woman, that she never closely examined the social situation. The
year was also 1973 when Lloyd Brown found Jane Austen's themes "comparable
with the eighteenth-century feminism of Mary Wollstonecraft"
because they question "certain masculine assumptions in society" (324).
While Steeves concluded that Austen's time had not been "ripe for rational
and meaningful discussion of women's rights," Brown gave more than a
dozen examples of Wollstonecraft arguments dramatized by Austen females.
Elizabeth Bennet, for example, is "Mary Wollstonecraft's ideal woman,"
with what Wollstonecraft calls "precisely the kind of 'wildness that indicates
a healthy and independent mind"' (332). On the other hand, "to borrow
Mary Wollstonecraft's remark about this 'ornamental' approach to education,
the Bertram sisters have been rendered 'pleasing at the expense ofany
solid virtue' " (331). The Steeves and Brown articles, published in the same
year, illustrate that a fissure had opened between readers of Jane Austen; a
shift in perception had occurred, and the way Jane Austen was to be read had
been changed permanently

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