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Advantages of Portfolio
o Portfolio is an assessment method which gives students the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning.Disadvantages of Portfolio
o Portfolio is a very time-consuming assessment method in terms of planning, responding, correcting and providing feedback.

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Advantages of Portfolio
• Portfolio is an assessment method which gives students the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. Students often develop a proud ownership of their work.
• The self-reflection in each step allows students to improve as they see themselves progressing over time at the different stages.
• Portfolio is an authentic assessment method, it determines meaningful work and often has personal relevance.
• It promotes diversity of assessment methods.
• It encourages motivation due to the visibility of the final portfolio.
• It promotes creativity, individuality and uniqueness in the assessment of learning.
• It assesses all levels of Bloom's taxonomy.
• It shifts teacher's focus from comparative ranking to improving understanding via feedback.
• Learning should not be all about the end result, portfolio is one of those assessment methods which allow students to demonstrate more than the end result - a process orientated method.
• High validity.

Disadvantages of Portfolio
• Portfolio is a very time-consuming assessment method in terms of planning, responding, correcting and providing feedback.
• Clear instructions and guidelines must be given to students, as often students take portfolio as a collection of their work only with no justification on reasoning and reflective statements. A sample or defined portfolio size should also be given.
• Plagiarism can occur.
• It is a subjective assessment method and teachers sometimes find it difficult to assess, as it is difficult to measure reliability.
• Students may overspend their time on the presentation of the portfolio, and not on the actual content. Tutor and peer assessors may also be affected by these effects and overlook the meaningful ideas behind the topic.

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