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What is software and what is software engineering?And although it is not essential to have a degree in software engineering, you will need some combination of technical skills, coding or programming prowess and other soft skills to pursue a career in software engineering.Writing software has evolved into a profession concerned with how best to maximize the quality of software and of how to create it. Quality can refer to how maintainable software is, to its stability, speed, usability, testability, readability, size, cost, security, and number of flaws or "bugs", as well as to less measurable qualities like elegance, conciseness, and customer satisfaction, among many other attributes. How best to create high quality software is a separate and controversial problem covering software design principles, so-called "best practices" for writing code, as well as broader management issues such as optimal team size, process, how best to deliver software on time and as quickly as possible, work-place "culture", hiring practices, and so forth.Show those as links: ence/ m
When and for what did this major appear?Coding boot-camp website Coding Dojo says the five of the most in-demand programming languages are:
o Java o Python o C#/.Net o Mean o Ruby
The good news is these skills can be acquired through online courses or tutorials that teach programming languages, says Christine Julien, software engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin

Software Development
Software development entails being able to analyze users' needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs.Object-oriented design encompasses four key principles:
o Abstraction o Encapsulation o Inheritance o Polymorphism
If these sound like foreign concepts to you, don't worry--online courses through platforms like Coursera and Udemy can equip you with basic knowledge of OOD principles
Software Testing and Debugging
Software testing and debugging require you to think analytically about how a system is put together.Software Engineers need a rare combination of technical skills and soft skills to thrive, as Software Engineer skills include both the computer programming expertise needed to design, develop, test and debug software and the soft skills to navigate communication with company leadership, team members and other stakeholders.Software developers collaborate with clients on a smaller scale, like ensuring a particular design is functional and in line with the client's vision Software engineers rely on scientific and mathematical protocols to analyze problems and create technological solutions.Software developer jobs are projected to increase by a whopping 22% over the next decade
Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
The process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem.Engineering on the other hand, is all about developing products, using well-defined, scientific principles and methods.

Original text

What is software and what is software engineering?
Software is more than just a program code. A program is an executable code, which serves some computational purpose. Software is considered to be collection of executable programming code, associated libraries and documentations. Engineering on the other hand, is all about developing products, using well-defined, scientific principles and methods. IEEE defines software engineering as: The application of a systematic,disciplined,quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. Software engineering broadly refers to the practice of building, maintaining, and improving computer software and networking systems. Software engineers, in turn, have extensive knowledge of coding languages, software development, and engineering principles. Software engineers design software from an engineering perspective with consideration for end-users, clients, and business needs. Software engineers use the scientific method and have advanced mechanical skills in addition to basic coding skills. In short, Software engineering is a branch of computer science, which uses well-defined engineering concepts required to produce efficient, durable, scalable, in-budget and on-time software products.
Show those as links: ence/ m
When and for what did this major appear?
The history of software engineering begins in the 1960s. Writing software has evolved into a profession concerned with how best to maximize the quality of software and of how to create it. Quality can refer to how maintainable software is, to its stability, speed, usability, testability, readability, size, cost, security, and number of flaws or "bugs", as well as to less measurable qualities like elegance, conciseness, and customer satisfaction, among many other attributes. How best to create high quality software is a separate and controversial problem covering software design principles, so-called "best practices" for writing code, as well as broader management issues such as optimal team size, process, how best to deliver software on time and as quickly as possible, work-place "culture", hiring practices, and so forth. All this falls under the broad rubric of software engineering.
What are the type of skills that the software engineer will need?
Software Engineers need a rare combination of technical skills and soft skills to thrive, as Software Engineer skills include both the computer programming expertise needed to design, develop, test and debug software and the soft skills to navigate communication with company leadership, team members and other stakeholders.

Computer Programming and Coding :
There are a number of computer programming languages, and job requirements can vary depending on the position you’re applying for. Coding boot-camp website Coding Dojo says the five of the most in-demand programming languages are:
• Java • Python • C#/.Net • Mean • Ruby
The good news is these skills can be acquired through online courses or tutorials that teach programming languages, says Christine Julien, software engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin

Software Development
Software development entails being able to analyze users’ needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs.
College students can gain experience in this area by taking relevant coursework and completing an internship at a software company. Software developer jobs are projected to increase by a whopping 22% over the next decade
Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
The process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem.
Object-oriented design encompasses four key principles:
• Abstraction • Encapsulation • Inheritance • Polymorphism
If these sound like foreign concepts to you, don't worry—online courses through platforms like Coursera and Udemy can equip you with basic knowledge of OOD principles
Software Testing and Debugging
Software testing and debugging require you to think analytically about how a system is put together. These skills are more craft that require honing through experience
Problem Solving and Logical Thinking
Software problems can arise from even the smallest of errors, and programmers spend a high percentage of their time debugging rather than writing code. Therefore, being able to not only pinpoint software issues but also use deductive reasoning to solve problems is crucial to many software engineering jobs.
Interpersonal skills are crucial for software engineers since they often work in teams
What are the differences between software engineers vs. software developers?
Software engineers and developers contribute to the development life cycle of software. Their tasks or responsibilities overlap at certain moments. But engineers typically work throughout all aspects of development, while developers focus on completing very specific functions at a smaller scale. Here are some differences between the two professions: Software engineers are the architects of a project and typically create an outline with specific tasks to accomplish throughout development. Software developers are responsible for completing those tasks, and writing the code that helps bring software to fruition. Software engineers use engineering concepts and systematic processes to create software. Software developers use their artistic skills and creative thinking to write functional programs. Software engineers interact with clients and communicate the overarching plan of action for a project. Software developers collaborate with clients on a smaller scale, like ensuring a particular design is functional and in line with the client's vision Software engineers rely on scientific and mathematical protocols to analyze problems and create technological solutions. Software developers employ a creative approach to solving problems by applying knowledge from external sources, such as personal experimentations. To become a Software Engineer, it helps to start with some level of understanding of coding and a background in other technical skills. And although it is not essential to have a degree in software engineering, you will need some combination of technical skills, coding or programming prowess and other soft skills to pursue a career in software engineering.

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