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The PID controller tuned with the root locus method clearly outperforms the Ziegler and Nichols tuning across most metrics, providing a better balance of precision, rapidity, and stability.The P controller, regardless of tuning method, generally performs poorly in comparison and requires significant improvements or a different control strategy.
The PID controller tuned with the root locus method clearly outperforms the Ziegler and Nichols tuning across most metrics, providing a better balance of precision, rapidity, and stability. It demonstrates a superior capability to meet the stringent control constraints, making it the recommended choice for demanding control applications. The P controller, regardless of tuning method, generally performs poorly in comparison and requires significant improvements or a different control strategy.
Future work
Explore adaptive control techniques to automatically adjust the PID parameters in real-time based on changes in the system dynamics.
Investigate advanced control strategies such as Model Predictive Control (MPC) or Fuzzy Logic Control to enhance the system's performance beyond what is achievable with a traditional PID controller.
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