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A primary pneumatization of the maxillary sinus occurs at about 3 months of fetal development by an out-pouching of the nasal mucosa within the ethmoid infundibulum.Prenatally, a secondary pneumatization occurs.

Original text

A primary pneumatization of the maxillary sinus occurs at about 3 months of fetal development by an out-pouching of the nasal mucosa within the ethmoid infundibulum. At this time the maxillary sinus is a bud situated at the infralateral surface of the ethmoid infundibulum between the upper and middle meatus.
Prenatally, a secondary pneumatization occurs. At birth, the sinuses are filled with fluid and the maxillary sinus is still an oblong groove on the mesial side of the maxilla, just above the germ of the first deciduous molar.

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