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Al-Aqmar Mosque
The mosque is located on Al-Muizz Li Din Allah Street, and it was established by the Fatimid Caliph, the Commander of Ahkam Allah in the year 519 AH / 1125 CE, and the construction was undertaken by the Minister Al-Ma'mun Al-Bataihi, and it was renovated during the reign of Sultan Barquq in 799 AH at the hands of Emir Yalbugha al-Salami.

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Al-Aqmar Mosque
The mosque is located on Al-Muizz Li Din Allah Street, and it was established by the Fatimid Caliph, the Commander of Ahkam Allah in the year 519 AH / 1125 CE, and the construction was undertaken by the Minister Al-Ma'mun Al-Bataihi, and it was renovated during the reign of Sultan Barquq in 799 AH at the hands of Emir Yalbugha al-Salami.
The main façade of the mosque is the oldest surviving stone façade, and the architecture has been interested in building and decorating it with inputs from radiant arches and Shiite phrases, the most important of which is the repetition of the words "Muhammad and Ali", in addition to writings in Kufic script that are Qur'anic verses, and the engineer’s ingenuity appeared in coordinating the facades to conform to the direction of The way, as well as taking into account the direction of the kiss from the inside.
When the Coptic Museum was built in the twentieth century, its façade was designed in the manner of the mosque’s façade, with Christian phrases and crosses placed in place of Islamic expressions.
The mosque consists of a central open courtyard surrounded by four corridors covered with shallow domes (shallow), the largest of which is the qibla corridor.

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