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proficiency in English is a must if you want to work in travel.It is true that fluency in English will make you suitable for global communication with both guests and suppliers.What is preventing you from mastering this universal language, then?English is a language that is required for pilots and cabin crew, as it is the international language of aviation.

Original text

proficiency in English is a must if you want to work in travel. English is a language that is required for pilots and cabin crew, as it is the international language of aviation. It is true that fluency in English will make you suitable for global communication with both guests and suppliers.
What is preventing you from mastering this universal language, then? There has never been a better moment to begin learning English, with the abundance of English-speaking people around the globe and the internet full of tools. Pick up a book, study a few words, or even enroll in a course to begin your journey towards becoming one of the world's almost 800 million English speakers

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