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The aim of the Petra Light Festival themed "Rebirth" of the Nabataeans is to honor and celebrate the great civilization by inviting visitors to discover their multiple facets - As a people with emotion, as master artists and as a pivotal civilization - through a multisensory experience. The exhibition departs from popular perceptions of their historical story, and focuses instead on their culture, rituals and enlightenment to the world, as well as their strength and resilience in life.

Original text

The aim of the Petra Light Festival themed "Rebirth" of the Nabataeans is to honor and celebrate the great civilization by inviting visitors to discover their multiple facets - As a people with emotion, as master artists and as a pivotal civilization - through a multisensory experience. The exhibition departs from popular perceptions of their historical story, and focuses instead on their culture, rituals and enlightenment to the world, as well as their strength and resilience in life.

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